Robert O' Connor Woodturning

Personalised Gifts

Looking for personalised gifts that are unique

The Woodturning Studio offers a personalised service to any of our wooden pieces we make. Whether it’s a wall hanging with your favourite quote, platter, bowl,  we will personalise it.!

Memorabilia Clocks - Personalised Gifts Robert O Connor Woodworking When you buy personalised gifts, it shows that you have put that extra thought into buying a present for someone.

We specialise in making beautiful handcrafted wedding gifts, presentation pieces, anniversary, birthday; all occasions worth celebrating!

All our wooden creations are made by one pair of hands, Robert’s, in Gorey, the sunny south east using only the finest Irish locally sourced timber.

You will find something that we can personalise and make unique, which will be treasured forever.

Watch how we personalise a gift to make it personal.

Watch Robert woodturning on YouTube